· Pratyush Giri · sominks · 2 min read
MBA Interview Tips and Tricks
As MBA interviews approach, Aakash Ezhilan and I reflected on our preparation and interview experiences, sharing insights to help fellow aspirants navigate the admission season with confidence. Best wishes to all MBA hopefuls for a successful journey ahead!

With MBA interview around the corner, Aakash Ezhilan and I were reflecting on our prep days and had a chit chat on our interview experience. Below is our two cents on how our experience can probably help you all in the upcoming admission season-
- A big part of the interview is evaluating you as a person and not only your workex or academics etc. While these questions ofcourse are asked, we believe the objective is to see how you handle such situations than your answer itself.
- Generally people with work experience are asked about their roles, and how they contributed to the organisation. Understand why behind what you did and what business impact did it create.
- In terms of academics the questions are a little generic (why you chose the stream? Why you want to move away from it now? Favorite subjects and why?) so try to be thorough with it specially if you recently graduated.
- POR based questions are becoming a regular instance because they in a way are practical testimony of how you work in a team and many times are means to demonstrate you leadership acumen.
- Hobbies do play a role as it shows who you are. And do expect interviewers to go a little deep if they ask this, as this is a good way to know if you are being truthful or not.
Please note- the above sneak peek was based on how our interview went and can differ from person to person, and hence to have a wider set of experiences do check out the IIT Bombay - Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management YouTube channel, you will find lot of interview experiences for help. https://www.youtube.com/@PublicRelationsSJMSOMIITBombay
Lastly, just be confident as you made it this far because you had the capability and the interviewers know that too. Be sure to be very thorough with your resume and try to drive the conversation in the interview and as a thumb rule remember, “Your next question is based on you previous answer”!
With this we convey our best wishes to all the MBA aspirants for a successful admission season!!